W. J. CHAMBLIN, deceased; physician and surgeon, Mason City; was born in Loudoun Co., Va., upon the 16th of July, 1820; his general education was obtained in Virginia and at Zanesville, Ohio, after which he entered the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, from which he graduated after a course of several years' study. He then commenced the practice of medicine at Newark, Ohio, after which he practiced in Peru, Ind., and then removed to Menard Co., Ill., and after a residence of several years in Illinois, California and Texas, came to Mason City, where he located in 1861, and followed his profession up to the date of his decease, which occurred April 29, 1872. His marriage with Talitha C. Cheney, was celebrated in 1857; she was born in Springfield, Ill. Three children are now living by this union—Ida T., William J. and Charles E. Mr. Chamblin was a member of the First Baptist Church of Springfield, Ill., and of the Masonic Order of the same place. Mrs. Chamblin has taken a deep interest in the cause of education and is now serving her second year as one of the Board of Directors of the schools of Mason City.